Data Scientists and What They Do
Read Time: 3 minutes
At Milk Chocolate, we work with Data Scientists to look at the Australian property market from a macro to micro level. They are an integral part of our team and central to the work we do - you will notice we refer to them a lot in our blogs and research. So what’s the job of the Data Scientist and what do they do for Milk Chocolate?
The job of a Data Scientist is to gather all the data and information from the hundreds of free and paid sources available, distil and analyse the information to give facts and meaningful insights. Specifically, the skill set of the Data Scientists we work with at Milk Chocolate are:
- Being able to identify the correct sets of data required for the Australian property market
- Finding and collecting the data from the source of truth
- Create models to understand and map the data, identifying patterns and trends
- Work with the data to discover opportunities
- Turn the data using mapping and graphs into information that everyday people can understand.
The data we source and review is extensive and below is a snapshot of some of the data sources our Data Scientists look at.
- Detailed research of the Australian housing market, from a national to suburb level using our set of key indicators
- Tracking of the Australian property benchmarks
- Tracking of the Australian property market looking at the market increase and decrease and the factors and indicators that trigger these property cycles in each capital city
- Job specific data
- Identifiers for population growth
- Infrastructure projects nationally and locally.
Data is pivotal to a successful property purchase and along with our other purchasing steps we ensure are clients have the most information possible to make an informed, rational purchasing decision.
Milk Chocolate was founded seven years ago by Richie Ragel and Michael Cleary, to purchase residential and commercial property in Australia on behalf of our clients, looking for a home or investment property. To see how we can help you get in touch here.
Thanks, Michael
#onthehunt #milkchocproperty #propertyconcierge
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