Read Time: 2 minutes
The property market moves up and down in cycles, known as the property cycle. Below is where Herron Todd White is reporting each capital city as at the end of June 2017.
Houses: Approaching Peak of Market
Units: Approaching Peak of Market
Commercial Office Space: Rising Market
Houses: Approaching Peak of Market
Units: Peak of Market
Commercial Office Space: Approaching Peak of Market
Houses: Start of Recovery
Units: Declining Market
Commercial Office Space: Bottom of Market
Houses: Rising Market
Units: Rising Market
Commercial Office Space: Bottom of Market
Houses: Rising Market
Units: Declining Market
Commercial Office Space: State of Recovery
Houses: Rising Market
Units: Bottom of Market
Commercial Office Space: Bottom of Market
Houses: Bottom of Market
Units: Bottom of Market
Commercial Office Space: Bottom of Market
Houses: Approaching Bottom of Market
Units: Declining Market
Commercial Office Space: Bottom of Market
The property cycle generally takes around seven to 10 years and ideally, one full cycle will see the price of property double (given other key investment criteria is met).
Milk Chocolate was founded seven years ago by Richie Ragel and Michael Cleary, to purchase residential and commercial property in Australia on behalf of our clients, looking for a home or investment property. To see how we can help you get in touch here.
Thanks, Michael
Sources: Herron Todd White
Herron Todd White reports the stages as: Peak of market/starting to decline/declining market/approaching bottom of market/bottom of the market/start of recovery/rising market/approaching peak of market/peak of the market.
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